2024 certifications, what are we talking about?
We find certifications in all areas: financial, professional, agri-food, health, environmental, etc. What is it exactly?
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Clay, ceramic, stoneware, earthenware, porcelain teapot, what's the difference?
In fact, it’s all from the same “ceramics” family. Whose mother is our good clay, our earth: as far as we can follow our ancestors, we understand that they quickly discovered pottery and its possibilities. Clay tableware is at the first stage, it undergoes nothing other than f...
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The style of a teapot, what are we talking about?
A teapot can evoke a feeling, a memory, an emotion that gives it the style we attribute to it through this filter. It can be romantic, retro, fun, too small, too big, always depending on what you feel when you see it, when you use it, the judgment is partly subjective since it...
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