Western tea service, brown porcelain


Western tea service, brown porcelain


Superb Western, European, Nordic tea service to choose from: its design is modern and stylized with precision, the capacities are generous. The porcelain is divine, translucent, luminous, veined and marbled with gold. The shade is subtle, the tones oscillate between gray and sky.   

In this service, we have the teapot, the centerpiece of our set, with its golden lid button. 6 cups, 6 wonderfully matched saucers, and 6 small golden spoons, the sugar bowl, the milk jug, all superbly coordinated. Impeccable for all teas. 

Hand-gilded over glaze. Bone china, the brightest, the finest.

Teapot 1L, Cups 250ml, Sugar bowl 290ml, Milk jug 220ml.

Brand: Freeson