Lemon verbena herbal tea

Having a cup of your favorite tea - or herbal tea - can be a pleasant way to treat yourself and boost your physical and mental well-being in a subtle way. But always keep in mind that, as the saying goes, "one sip doesn't make a summer" and that it is by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle that we achieve the best health results.

- min of reading

Tisane de verveine citronnée - Théières à la folie

Summary :

Another herbal tea whose medicinal properties are increasingly recognized is that made from lemon verbena, scientifically called Aloysia citrodora. Infusions made from lemon verbena help with weight management. It is the citrus-flavored cousin of a better-known plant that has been used in infusions for years: verbena, or vervain (Verbena officinalis). Lemon verbena infusions are ideal for those, like me, who prefer a more subtle citrus flavor in their hot drinks, rather than the strong, lemony flavor of commonly marketed citrus tea blends. The first time I saw this plant sold as a herbal tea was at a local health food store that sold it as a "weight loss tea." In fact, studies have shown that the polyphenols in this plant can decrease the formation of fatty acids, marking its potential use in treating obesity-related health problems. Researchers have also suggested that lemon verbena extracts may help reduce the levels of inflammatory markers in the blood of some people with multiple sclerosis. “The results demonstrate that supplementation with lemon verbena extracts can affect the profile of cytokines [markers of inflammation] depending on the clinical subtype,” the study authors conclude. Having a cup of your favorite herbal herbal tea can be a pleasant way to treat yourself and boost your physical and mental well-being in subtle ways. But always keep in mind that, as the saying goes, "one sip doesn't make a summer" and that it is by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle that we achieve the best health results.

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