l'infusion of rooibos

The results of this study suggest that daily intake of unfermented rooibos tea or a commercial rooibos-derived supplement may provide health benefits.

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L'infusion de rooibos dans tasse en verre | Théières à la folie

Summary :

Another type of "tea" with antioxidant properties is rooibos, or "red rush tea", which is prepared from the Aspalathus linearis plant native to South Africa. Rooibos herbal teas protect liver health. Research has suggested that the antioxidant effects of rooibos are similar to those of green tea, but not quite as strong. A recent study in the rat model suggested that the antioxidants in rooibos may protect the liver from oxidative stress, helping to make this organ more resistant to induced damage. The researchers who conducted the study noted that their results suggest that rooibos tea or dietary supplements derived from rooibos may offer a useful boost to health. The results of this study suggest that daily intake of unfermented rooibos tea or a commercial rooibos-derived supplement may benefit human health by providing the liver with increased antioxidant capacity to reduce toxicant-induced damage. Additionally, rooibos has also been cited as helping to reduce blood pressure and relax tense muscles, suggesting that the active ingredient in this case could be one of the flavonoids (pigments) it contains: chrysoeriol. Unlike green or black tea, rooibos does not contain caffeine and therefore does not have the same stimulating effects. It can therefore be safely consumed until late in the evening.

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