Teas, infusions, sport and health

Tea, sport, health... is there really a link?

- min of reading

Thés, infusions et santé  | Théières à la folie

Summary :

There are many types of teas and infusions made from other plants, such as Aspalathus linearis, better known as "rooibos" or "redbush". In Théières à la folie, we will try to give you an overview of the main Teas that can be beneficial for a better balance and better mental health. Tout like the sport some of them can strengthen your immune defenses and heart system for your everyday life. In short, tea and exercise are crucial elements for better health. Like what being a good tea preparer can be beneficial to you and why not also become a little more as a sportsman of all kinds, professional or amateur, both for boxing only for one sports trainer. And the herbal tea will be more for quieter activities like meditation and yoga. Tea also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and certain cancers. We will try to tell you about it regularly in our posts on our Teapot Blog. 

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