White tea

Harvested for only a few weeks each year in spring, white tea is prepared from the first harvest.

- min of reading

Le thé blanc | Théières à la folie

Summary :

Originally from the Chinese province of Fujian, white tea is also produced in India, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan and Sri Lanka. Considered by many to be the best tea in the world, white tea is made from the freshest young tea leaves. Harvested for only a few weeks each year in spring, white tea is prepared from the first harvest. The leaves are delicately withered and rolled, resulting in a light-colored drink. Some of the best types of white tea include Silver Needle, Sakura Blossom Tea, and Organic White Peony. Pai Mu Tan is a rare white tea made from small buds and leaves picked in early spring, with a mild floral taste. These expensive teas have bold flavors and are of the highest quality. Benefits of White Tea: Low caffeine content compared to black or green tea. May have antioxidant and antiseptic properties if rubbed into skin. Less processed than other types of tea, it retains antioxidants better. Can boost metabolism and weight loss. White tea is a rare type of tea.


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