Enamel flower jade porcelain teapot



pink lily plum blossoms

Enamel flower jade porcelain teapot



pink lily plum blossoms

A small jade porcelain teapot, typically Chinese, in traditional Xishi shape. Of a milky and opalescent white, it is topped with sculpted flowers in clusters, wonderfully glazed in subtle colors. The lid is itself enhanced with a flower bud. A very nice gift for a romantic occasion.

Jade porcelain is made from mineral rocks using modern nanotechnology. It is also called mineral porcelain (makes sense!). "It is of flawless whiteness, crystalline clarity, moist like grease ..."

Two iconic models: Plum blossom, emblem of resilience in harsh moments like winter, they emerge even more beautiful! Pink lilies symbolize affection and tenderness but also fertility. They are small: 250ml, but so pretty. 

Chinese origin