Yixing Black Dragon Egg Clay Teapot


Yixing Black Dragon Egg Clay Teapot


Yixing black dragon egg clay teapot, an object full of mysterious elegance. We could dedicate it to a man, all the ingredients are there. A glossy black, hand-engraved design of a dragon, the Chinese symbol of wisdom, power and luck. The size is small, personal, it is intended for a tea connoisseur.

We know that the clay teapot is the best ally for the taste and aroma of tea, especially if it comes from the Yixing region where Zisha, purple clay (this is its very name) is extracted. if its color is black here!) This black mud is rich in raw ore. 

Volume 200ml, 9-hole ball filter.

For black, flavored, Oolong, Puer, Dahongpao, Tie Guanyin teasVolume 200ml, 9-hole ball filter.

Style: Craftsmanship/Traditional/Manly 

Author: Folk Artists

Chinese origin

Marque : JingdeTeaSet