Traditional black tea

Darjeeling tea from West Bengal, India is often considered the finest black tea in the world.

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​Le thé noir traditionnel  | Théières à la folie

Summary :

Traditional black tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis shrub. This type of tea is oxidized, turning the green leaves black. Darjeeling tea from West Bengal, India is often considered the finest black tea in the world. Darjeeling First Flush is one of the most coveted black teas. Made from the first leaves harvested each season, it has a delicate taste but is packed with nutrients. Second Flush or Summer Flush tea has a stronger flavor. The choice is therefore a matter of personal preference. 
Here are 7 of the best types of tea:
Assam Gold tea from India, Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka and Lapsang Souchong teas from China are also popular. Among black tea blends, Earl Gray is a type of black tea flavored with bergamot orange. English breakfast tea is high in caffeine, so it is a popular morning drink. This box of loose leaves comes from Mariage Frères, one of the best tea brands. It offers more than 500 different types of tea. Benefits of Black Tea: Rich in antioxidants. May reduce bad cholesterol. Reduces the formation of dental plaque. May reduce blood pressure.

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